Don’t Marry if You Didn’t Discuss These 6 things With Your Partner

Don’t Marry if You Didn’t Discuss These 6 things With Your Partner

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6 Important Things to Discuss Before marriage. Before you go into that marriage, there are many things to discuss with your beloved to make your journey easier and gain better understanding of each other.

1. GOD:

Who is he in your life? You need to discuss this and the roles you will need God to play in your life, stating your relationship with him. If you don’t agree on this, your marriage may be turbulent if you go ahead.


What is your purpose in life? What is the reason why you are on earth? You need know this and discuss it with your spouse to be and listen to his or hers too.


You need to discuss about your values and set of moral beliefs.

Everyone has their own set of values. While most values don’t differ too much importance , one thing to discuss before marriage is what values are most important to each of you. Then you can decide what values you will share as a family and build your family on that.


Does he know what your future vision and goals are? Do you know his? If you are career minded and plan to put all you have into work for the next six years so you can get a certain promotion or make a certain amount of income , he or she needs to know this. Share your vision about the future, finances and about your children together and marry your vision before you get married.


There is no better time to share these intimate and secret things than now. As you look ahead to marriage, share family secrets and challenges. Don’t keep your partner in the dark about your family issues. He or she should marry you for your liabilities and assets if he or she truly loves you. Discuss personal choices, health challenges, problems, mental health concerns, debts, past relationship, addictions. This is the time to share things big and small, paving the way for honesty, transparency and openness as the foundation of your marriage.


You need to talk about your career, educating each other about its demands, challenges and what it takes to get to the top there. Your level of your commitment should also be discussed.

Do you live to work or work to live? How will your respective careers affect family life? Who comes first, career or family? Do you have more schooling and apprenticing to finish? Is there a professional course to be done? If so, what’s the time frame for completing these steps toward obtaining the kind of job are you hoping for? What kind of personal sacrifices will you and whosoever marries you would have to make to enable you to climb the career ladder to the top?

This are the beautiful steps gathered and researched by your favorite life blogger. Akosua Boatemaa, hope u enjoy reading.. Thank u